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Reporting: Bunk Reports

Learn how to generate a reports on bunk assignments, changes, summary and camper/staff reports

Updated over 7 months ago

Campminder helps you manage and report on bunk assignments, changes, photos, and summaries. You can view all campers in a specific bunk or see which bunks particular campers are assigned to.

This guide will show you how to run various bunk reports, making bunk management easier and more efficient.

In the Reporting Module, you have access to several bunk reports. This chart gives a quick overview of which report to run for the information you need.

Report Type

Data shown

Bunk Assignment Report

"I want to see the most detailed bunk report, showing bunks as sections and listing the campers and staff in each bunk."

Bunk Assignment Changes Report

"I want to track campers staying through multiple sessions and switching bunks."

Bunk Photo Report

"I want a printout of camper photos in each bunk for quick identification by counselors."

Bunk Summary Report

"I want to see numbers on how many campers are assigned to each bunk, from each session, in each bunk plan."

Camper/Staff Bunk Report

"I want to keep track of which campers are housed in which cabins."

Bunk Assignments Report

This provides a list of staff and campers assigned to bunks for a specific season. Staff, listed first with their positions, appear in the left column, while campers are shown with their session and are listed alphabetically.

Video Tutorial

  1. Navigate to Reporting > Housing/Table Assignments > Bunk Assignments. Choose the season from the drop-down list. This defaults to the current season.

  2. Choose a bunk plan from the drop-down list. You can report on any Bunk Plan, whether or not it is active.

  3. If you want to include some additional information in the report (like a camper's allergies, bunk requests, table assignments...), select "After each camper's name, include the following field(s)" in the dropdowns.

  4. Check the session(s) to be included in the report.

    💡Tip: This feature allows you to see the complete bunk list at one instant in the season, where campers from different sessions may be in the bunk at the same time.

  5. All divisions are selected by default. Uncheck the ones you don't want, or click "Uncheck All Divisions" to clear all. Each division appears in its own section of the report.

  6. Check the boxes if you wish to include campers' school grades in the report, if you wish to include staff members, and if you wish to have only one bunk per page.

  7. Click the radio button the group by "Parent Division", "Reporting Division", or if you'd rather "No Grouping". This will impact the order in which multiple divisions are displayed.

  8. Click the green ''Generate Report'' button. The report will generate as a PDF which you may print.

    Note: when you run the report, it's "bunk-based." It shows the bunks and a lit of campers in each one, with staff in bold at the top of the list.

The Bunk Photo Report

The bunk photo report helps you quickly identify who belongs in each bunk, making the chaos more manageable.

This report uses cropped photos uploaded by parents via CampInTouch (or by you). It displays camper photos by bunk, which is helpful for counselors.

Video Tutorial

  1. Navigate to Reporting > Housing/Table Assignments > Bunk Photo Report. Choose the season from the drop-down list.

    Note: If you didn't collect a camper's photo during the application process or on the photo form, it won't appear in this report.

  2. Select your session(s) and program(s). To choose multiple selections, use Ctrl+click.

  3. Select the bunk plan using the drop-down list and check the boxes next to the bunks for which you'd like to see reports.

  4. Check the box to include staff photos in the report.

  5. Click the green ''Generate PDF Report'' to generate a report with all the photos, organized by bunk.

    Note: While there is a "CSV Report" option for running the report, CSV output files will not include the camper's photos. PDF is the only option for displaying photos.

Bunk Summary Report

This report shows how many campers are assigned to each bunk for each session in each bunk plan. It’s a quantitative report, focusing on total numbers rather than individual campers.

Video Tutorial

  1. Navigate to Reporting > Housing/Table Assignments > Bunk Summary Report. Choose the season from the drop-down list.

  2. Select the Session(s), Bunk Plan, and Bunk(s) from the lists.

  3. If desired, you can break the report up by grades, or select "All" from the list.

  4. Separate by gender, if desired, and click the radio button for "PDF" or "CSV" as the output.

  5. Click the green "Generate Report" button.

Camper/Staff Bunk Report

Keep track of which campers are housed in which cabins.

Video Tutorial

  1. Navigate to Reporting > Housing/Table Assignments > Camper/Staff Bunk Report. Choose the season from the drop-down list.

  2. Click the radio button ''Yes'' to include staff, ''No'' if you don't want them included in the report.

  3. Staff may be assigned to both a building (a staff housing unit) and a bunk. Select which one is to appear on this report using the drop-down list - either option will appear in the "bunk" column of the report

  4. Click the radio button to choose parent division or just division as the division field. (Most camps don't use parent division).

  5. Choose how you wish to sort the report. Your choices are:

    • Name

    • Bunk

    • Division, Bunk.

  6. Check the box if you wish to list campers and staff separately.

  7. Click the green ''Generate Report'' button. The report will generate as a PDF which you may print.

Staff Housing List

If you've marked any of your bunks as "staff housing," you may want to report specifically only on these staffers.

  1. Navigate to Reporting>Housing/Table Assignments>Staff Housing List.

  2. Click the radio button to select which genders to include. Genders can be reported separately or together using this option.

  3. Click the green ''Generate Report'' button.

    Note: this report will only run for the oldest open active season (if you have more than one season open).

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