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Returning Campers Not Yet Enrolled
Returning Campers Not Yet Enrolled

Need to find out who attended last season but hasn't enrolled yet this season? Here's the report for you

Updated over a week ago

One of the most common reports you might want to run is: who was a camper last year, but hasn't yet enrolled this year? Below, you'll find specific criteria to enter to make a user report to get this info. Also, you could do something similar under Communication so you can email the parents of these campers.

  • Navigate to Reporting>User Reports>Campers.

  • Click on the green "New Report" button.

  • Select the current (newest) season at the top left. This is important.

  • Check "Enrollment Management." This will give you the campers who have been enrolled in the past but are not yet enrolled this season. Enrollment management is campers who have applied or campers who were rolled up but haven't enrolled in the chosen season.

  • Don't select anything else, or select the status of None, if you want to find campers who are not Applied in the current season.

  • In the field dictionary, select Last Year Attended. Make that equal to the previous year (see example below). Now, we see campers who were last enrolled in the year before, but they are not enrolled in the current year. In the example below, we want unenrolled 2017 possible campers were enrolled in 2016.

  • Click on the Fields/Sort tab and select which fields you would like to see in your report.

  • Click on the Options/Finish tab and name your report.

  • Click the green "Generate Report" button.

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