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Set Up and Send Text Messages

Learn how to select recipients, add filters, create templates and add links

Updated over 2 months ago

Campminder Text Messages lets you filter and communicate with camp families using the same options available in the Communication Hub email.

Selecting Recipients and Sending Texts

Note: Text Messages will be accessible in your Campminder Communication tab only after your SMS texting account is approved.

Select Recipients

  1. Navigate to Communication > Text Messages. This is your "Campaign Page". Select your "Recipient Type" (Parent, Staff, or Alumni) from the left pane and click the blue 'NEW TEXT MESSAGE' button on the top right of the landing page.

  2. Select Recipients: You must pick at least one option from the Camper/Staff "Statuses" and "Sessions" menus.

  3. 'Programs' and 'Days of Operation' are both optional filters.

  4. Select from the 'Household options'. You must choose at least one from the Household options.

Add Advanced Filters (Optional)

Advanced filters are enabled for Campminder Text Messages, giving you even more flexibility in recipient selection. Use the 'And' 'Or' radio buttons to select the connector between rows.

Add Form Filters (Optional)

Form filters offer a straightforward method to pinpoint individuals who need to complete forms, whether mandatory or optional.

Three specific Form field filters are available to display a list of individuals matching criteria for both required forms and their completion status.

  • Required Form Status: Similar to the existing "Missing Camper Forms Count" field, this will generate the status of any form marked as Required.

  • Not Required Form Status: The inverse of above, will generate the status of any form not marked as Required

    💡Tip: Avoid pairing "Required Form Status" and "Not Required Form Status" together using the "and" qualifier. This will overload the system. Instead, use the "All Form Status" below.

  • All Form Status: This will generate the status for all forms Required and Not Required.

Form status status value can be any of the following for all three of the new fields:

  • Unsubmitted = 0

  • Incomplete = 1

  • Submitted = 2

  • InTheMail = 3

  • Faxed = 4

  • FaxedErrors = 5

  • Uploaded = 6

  • UploadedFromCIT = 7

Once you have filtered your recipients, select the blue 'NEXT' button on the bottom right.

Text Message Campaign Window

After choosing your filters, a new window will appear, displaying your list of recipients at the top. Within this list, you have the ability to view each recipient individually and check for any 'error' messages.

Note: You have the option to deselect any recipients from this list by checking the box next to their name.

Opted Out Icon: This icon appears next to a parent's name if they reply 'STOP' to a message from your camp number or opt out via the form. They'll still be on your recipient list but won't receive texts.

Phone Number Warning Icon: recipients will not receive a text message.

Note: there are three reasons why recipients will show an error message.

  • They did not opt-in

  • They did not provide a cell phone

  • The number is not a valid US 50 State cell

  1. Add in a "Campaign Name", "Camp Name/Subject" Line and your message (1600 character Limit). The character limit will click down as you type.

    💡Tip: If you are including a link in the text message, do not use link shorteners (bitly, tinyURL, etc.) Use our Dynamic Link function.

    💡Tip: For optimal results, type your message directly into the text box instead of copying and pasting from another document. This helps prevent HTML formatting issues that could interfere with message delivery.

Add Dynamic Links and Shortened Links

Dynamic links seamlessly direct users to Campanion or CampInTouch, based on the device being used (desktop vs. tablet/phone).

  1. Select the "Add Link" icon button on the bottom right. A new window will open with three link selections.

  2. Dynamic Links offer three options. Choose from the dropdown menu the link you wish to include, Form, Registration, or Companion App.

    • Form Dynamic Link: Guide mobile users to Campanion forms; direct desktop users to CampInTouch.

    • Registration Dynamic Link: Send mobile users to Campanion for registration; redirect desktop users to CampInTouch Camper Application.

    • Campanion App Dynamic Link: Streamline user experience by directing to Campanion or the relevant app store for download.

Shortened links are more reliably delivered by carriers. Links will be shortened to use a domain and expire after 90 days.

To combat carriers blocking texts with URLs, we've partnered with Twilio to register a domain, increasing delivery trust.

  1. When adding your camp link to the message, ensure it includes "https://". This ensures the link is trackable and will open correctly on devices.

    Shortened Link View:

    Parent View:

  2. Compose your message and when ready, click the 'Send' button.

Saved Filters

You can save your text filters, enabling you to quickly and easily send communications to your frequently contacted recipient groups, streamlining your camp's messaging process.

  1. Navigate to Communication > Text Messages. Select the "New Text Message" button on the top right.

  2. Select the filter criteria. Recipient Type, Season, 'Camper Statuses' and 'Sessions selection' are required fields.

  3. Add any 'Program Filters', 'Days of Operation', 'Household' configurations, and/or 'Advanced Filters' to your contact list.

  4. When you have completed your selections, navigate to the top of the window and select the 'Saved Filter' icon.

  5. Give the filter criteria a name, and click the "Save" button.

  6. Your filter now appears in the "Saved Filter" dropdown (in alphabetical order) for use in the future.

Text Templates and Draft Messages

If you have a need for repeated template use, simply create the layout and select the 'save' icon from the 'Template' box.

  1. Templates are available in the top right section of the message window. Select the template dropdown and choose from your saved messages.

    Note: Links and Images are not available for texting.

  2. To save a "Draft Message", select your recipient group, add a campaign name, subject and message. Select the "Save Draft" button on the bottom right of the text window.

    💡Tip: Selecting "Save Draft" lets you keep editing your message. Click "Save and Close" when you're finished to return to the draft home page.

  3. If you click "Delete," your current draft and all its work will be discarded, and you'll return to the home page. A warning message will appear to prevent accidental deletions.

  4. You can find draft messages under the "Status" menu on the text message home page. Select a draft from the list to make final edits and send it.

    💡Tip: You can always edit the recipient list at the top of the message window.

Deliverability Module

The Campminder Text Messages Module shows the overall status of a message. Easily view details on who the messages were sent to and any exclusions from the list.

  1. From the Campaign page, select a text message from the list.

  2. On the top left of the message you will see an overview of deliverability. Select the "list" icon for further details.

  3. The list populates in two fields: "Sent" and "Excluded". Hover over the icons on the left to show field exclusions. Alerts on the "excluded" list offer the following reasons:

    • "Recipient has opted out of text messages"

    • "Recipient has not opted into text messages"

    • "Phone Number is invalid or unsupported"

    • "Recipient was deselected from list." (This is done by the user when a number is deselected manually from the recipient list prior to sending).

Person Record View

The Text Message Opt-In field appears in all parent records under the Comm. tab on the lower card. You can change the status to 'Opted Out', but legally, you can't manually set it to 'Opted In'.

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