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Archive Individual Records

Learn how to and why you would want to archive individuals

Updated over 3 months ago

Archiving records in Campminder allows you to remove individuals from future communications and reporting without deleting their information.

This is useful for records that no longer need active status in your camp system.

Archiving Eligibility

To archive a record, the individual cannot currently hold an "Enrolled" or "Applied" status in any sessions.

Example: The option to archive becomes available only if a person with an "Enrolled" or "Applied" status is canceled. This ensures that only inactive records can be archived, preserving accurate enrollment data.

  1. Navigate to the inactive Record of the individual to be archived.

  2. On the contact info card (upper right), click the "Archive" button to complete the action.

    Note: You are able to reverse this action by selecting the green "Activate" button.

Communication and Enrollment Impact

Once a record is archived:

  • The person will no longer receive any camp-related emails.

  • The system will no longer recognize the individual as being eligible to apply or enroll in future sessions.

  • The individual will not show up on any reports.

Archiving can be particularly helpful for situations where you need to retain contact information or relationship details but prevent further engagement.

Note: Archiving only controls who you manage in the system; it doesn’t prevent someone from enrolling in camp.

Specific Use Cases

  1. Divorce or Custody Situations
    Archiving can prevent specific contacts, like a divorced parent, from receiving communications while keeping their relationship to the camper intact in the record.

  2. Deceased Records
    In addition to the "Deceased" option, archiving removes deceased individuals from communication lists while preserving their role as a parent or guardian in camper records.

Benefits of Archiving

  • Archiving helps you maintain complete and accurate records while controlling who receives communications and is eligible for future enrollments.

  • This tool keeps your database organized and up to date, allowing for smoother operations and more focused engagement with active contacts.

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